Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The faster I go, the behinder I get!!!

It has really been almost two months since my last post.  I had grand plans for my blog but you know the old quote, "the best laid plans...".  That certainly held true for me...I'm not even going to try to go into all that has happened.  The latest has been the scariest.  On Sunday, March 3rd, my Daddy had a stroke.  He scared the daylights out of us...but, he is a tough, old bird and is doing pretty good.  Not your typical 87 year old, he works at his scrap metal business, hauling and cutting up scrap metal.  He is probably healthier than me...I know he is in better shape!!  So, it is going to be a battle trying to keep him at bay until he is stronger.  We are all praying that he will be able to do the things he wants to do once again.

I have been able to get some painting done and actually got a couple of things listed in my Esty shop tonight. These are Terrye French designs...I do love her designs!! 

I also painted my newest design on a vintage Homer Laughlin serving piece.  I am planning to make this design into my first e-pattern.  What do you think?

I will be staying with Daddy while he recuperates at home and will check back in whenever possible.  It has been great talking to you.



  1. So glad to hear that you dad is recovering! I have to say that your newest design is just so stunning! I really love sheep and you've mastered such a beautiful look with this one.


  2. Aww Judy, and that's the way the cookie crumbles. Time is short these days. Your paintings are so lovely. Well wishes for your dad :)



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