Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day...A Day of Sweet Memories

I hope everyone has had a wonderful day...a special day for special mothers.  I just wanted to share the following with all of you...
                             Mavis, our Mama

     Mama, always singin’.  She hugged our hurts away and made us think chocolate gravy and biscuits for supper was a special treat just for us kids.
     Mama, always barefoot.  Even in the coldest of winters, when she would hang the clothes on the line to “freeze” dry.  This is the same lady who would never let us kids go barefoot until the first day of May because the ground didn’t get warm enough till then.
     Mama, always mama.  Even to a newborn animal whose real mama refused to accept it.  She said she didn’t like animals so I guess those were tears of joy when they were ready to be returned to the pasture or the wild.  Let’s see, besides us kids, she raised numerous pigs, wild bunny rabbits and calves. She didn’t name them all but I remember a little chick named Susie Q that grew to be big enough to fly up to her shoulder and perch there while she did the dishes.  There was Trixie, the squirrel…but, that’s another story.  Then, there were our pets that she made sure were fed and watered.  Naw, she didn’t like animals!!!
     Mama, who thought all babies were beautiful but not as beautiful and her grand and great-grandbabies.
     Mama, who hated a confrontation but would fight a pack of wolves to protect her family.
     Mama…soft voice, tender heart, a truly gentle spirit.  Always seeing the best in everything.  Always there when she was needed.  The definition of true beauty. 

                 Mama, our Mama…proof that love lives forever.        

1 comment :

  1. Just came across this, Judy. What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful lady. Thanks for sharing.


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